Finishline Pedal & Cleat Lubricant

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  • Regular price $25.00
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Clipless pedals require regular maintenance for optimum performance and long component life. Finish Line Pedal & Cleat Lubricant sprays on to fully and evenly coat all frictional surfaces and is engineered to ensure fast engagements and smooth releases every time. Thanks to a 100% dry-to-the-touch and fluoro-free coating, there is no oily, greasy film or unwanted stain when you walk around in your shoes.

Formulated with high-performing nano-ceramic boron nitride (BN) particles. This totaly dry coating is oil free, repels dirt and water. 

Pedal & Cleat Lubricant was designed and formulated to maximize the performance of any pedal and cleat system and is so effective that it is factory approved by Speedplay.